Destination Northern Ontario’s TEN program can help tourism operators put their best face forward for the 2019 spring/summer season!
Did you know that when you enroll in Destination Northern Ontario’s Tourism Excellence North (TEN) program you...

Target Market and Local Partnerships Make the Difference for White Squall Paddling Centre
As Kathleen McGill, from White Squall Paddling Centre, discovered – sometimes just a thoughtful shift to a...
A great Fall for Tourism Excellence North!
Thank you to all those who attended our ‘Unlock Your Potential with Tourism Excellence North’ Session at...
Experiential Travel Training for Operators — Terrace Bay
Register Now! Experiential Travel Training for Operators October 30 – November 1, 2017 Terrace Bay, Ontario What...
Register Now! Best Practices Mission — Making the Quality Shift: A Progressive Learning Tour
Best Practices Mission How to Make the Quality Shift: A Progressive Learning Tour Where: Northern Ontario –...
Register Now! Best Practices Mission — Welcome the World to Your Business: Understanding & Attracting the International Visitor
Best Practices Mission Trip: Welcome the World to your Business – Understanding and Attracting the International Visitor...
NEW! Experiential Travel Training for Operators Workshop
Is your business ready to deliver high-yield tourism experiences that showcase the stories, cuisine and culture unique...
NEW! Best Practices Mission — Welcome the World to Your Business: Understanding & Attracting the International Visitor
Visits by international travellers to Canada are on the rise. Are you ready? Join Tourism Excellence North...
Now Hiring: Marketing and Communications Summer Student!
Are you enrolled in a Marketing, Communications or Public Relations program and want to get experience in...
Join us for our first Best Practices Mission!
Tourism Excellence North is excited to announce that registration is open for our first Best Practices Mission! ...