International Travel Markets Self-Assessment

  • Tourism business owners and managers are good choices to complete this self-assessment.
  • A copy of your completed self-assessment will be emailed to the address you provide.
  • Please be advised that completed self-assessments are stored on Destination Northern Ontario’s database. Your business/personal information is protected under Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) with results kept confidential and only shared within DNO for the purpose of providing insights into needs and trends in product, training and workforce development initiatives and will not be used for anything outside this purpose. For any questions, please contact Karen Peacock, Senior Coordinator, Industry Training at
  • Key Requirements for Working with International Travel Trade

  • General Requirements

    5 Questions
  • The Visitor Appeal Assessment Tool is a standalone TEN self-assessment tool that evaluates the visitor experience of your tourism product.
  • Legal Requirements

    5 Questions
  • Operations

    3 Questions
  • Pricing, Contracting & Payments

    4 Questions
  • Marketing & Sales

    6 Questions
  • Congratulations! You've come to the end of the self-assessment. Once you click 'Submit' your completed self-assessment will be emailed to the address that you provided at the start of this form.
  • You will also receive suggestions on how to use the data from your completed self-assessment AND a list of online resources for organizations and regulations that appeared in this self-assessment

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