Qualifying Product & Experiences for Export or Market Readiness – Tourism Operator Questionnaire

  • Working with the international travel trade (ITT) is an effective way to extend our marketing and sales activities into new overseas markets. The business planning and sales cycles involve long lead times, therefore several key practices on the part of Canadian tourism operators are essential for mutual success:
  • • Pricing integrity
  • • Operational reliability and quality
  • • Marketing and sales support
  • • Working relationships with Canadian based Inbound or Receptive Tour Operators
  • Priority number 1 for all partners in Northern Ontario is to ensure that we are well prepared, so that every product and experience presented to new potential international visitors represents the very best of Northern experiences. DNO has developed comprehensive criteria for Northern Ontario stakeholders who wish to work with the travel trade in international markets – setting the industry up for success over the long term. The DNO criteria incorporates the participation criteria set out for both the Ontario Signature Experiences program (operated by Destination Ontario) and the Canadian Signature Experiences program (operated by Destination Canada). Both are standards of best practice for the tourism industry.
  • This questionnaire covers each of the important aspects of working with the Travel Trade in international markets. It is designed to help you assess your current situation and identify areas that require action, in order to become export or market-ready.
  • A copy of your completed questionnaire will be emailed to the address you provide.
  • Please be advised that completed questionnaires are stored on Destination Northern Ontario’s database. Your business/personal information is protected under Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) with results kept confidential and only shared within DNO for the purpose of providing insights into needs and trends in product, training and workforce development initiatives and will not be used for anything outside this purpose. For any questions, please contact Karen Peacock, Senior Coordinator, Industry Training at k.peacock@destinationnorthernontario.ca.
  • A note on your responses: This questionnaire is to assess your current situation and determine if adapting to fulfill the requirements to work with Destination Northern Ontario and international travel trade partners is feasible. Please review your completed questionnaire, and if you find that you have mainly selected 'Yes' or 'Willing to adapt to fulfill' then you are likely a good candidate to work with Destination Northern Ontario and international travel trade partners.
  • Criteria for working with International Travel Trade

  • General

    6 Questions
  • The Visitor Appeal Assessment Tool is a standalone TEN self-assessment tool that evaluates the visitor experience of your tourism product.
  • Legal

    5 Questions
  • Operations

    8 Questions
  • Pricing, Contracting & Payments

    8 Questions
  • Marketing & Sales

    6 Questions
  • This may include: (A) Net rates (B) Booking & cancellation policy (C) Payment methods (D) Product information (E) Transportation services provided (F) Specialized on-site customer services (e.g. dietary considerations, foreign languages spoken, pre-trip planning & orientation) as appropriate.
  • Congratulations! You've come to the end of the questionnaire. Once you click 'Submit' your completed questionnaire will be emailed to the address that you provided at the start of this form.
  • For any questions about International Travel Trade Development, please reach out to Barb Ferrell at Barb@ferrellpartners.com.

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