Experiential Travel Training for Operators Online Workshop

April 27th – 29th, 2021   |   9:00 am – 12:00 pm each day
Online Delivery
Call: 705-523-2228 (Tourism Excellence North)

What is this training workshop? An interactive online workshop for 12 tourism operators which will provide the tools and insights you need to design and deliver high-yield tourism experiences. This workshop will take you through ‘experiential travel design’ 101 and guide you through creating and delivering an experiential travel tourism offer that reflects your unique story and the highlights of the destination and culture in Northern Ontario.

Why should you attend? Today’s traveller wants an authentic visitor experience. Experiential tourism offers can help you reach new markets and increase your bottom line.

Who should attend? Any private sector tourism businesses, not-for-profit operations, public sector organizations interested in and ready to invest in the design and delivery of experiential tourism offers.

What will I learn?

  • The value experiential travel can add to your operation
  • Learn about developing an online experience
  • The difference between a tourism product and an experience
  • Learn about influencing your overall revenue stream from increased sales of the existing products and offerings and new revenue through immersive experiences
  • How to design an experience for your business, on your own or in collaboration with like-minded community partners, that offers the visitor an immersive, memorable and unique opportunity
  • Learn through current success stories in Northern Ontario

Where is it?

  • This course is being offered as an online course, with a mix of ‘online’ and ‘offline’ work.  The ’online’ portion will be delivered by group webinar from 9 am to 12 pm over the course of three (3) days. The ‘offline’ portion is to be completed both prior to and post the ‘face-to-face’ webinar portion.

What will you need?

  • An internet connection, speaker/mic (can be built-in computer mic) and a device (e.g. computer, tablet, etc.)

What does it cost? The course and all training materials is priced at the low cost of $100 per participant.

Application Deadline: April 22nd, 2021   Space is limited, so apply early.

Payment is due upon application.

>>Register now as spots are limited to 12 participants!

Questions?  Contact Karen Peacock, Senior Coordinator, Training (Tourism Excellence North), at k.peacock@destinationnorthernontario.ca or (705) 626-4347.

Ready to start learning?

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