What is the training workshop?
A one-and-a-half-day experiential training workshop designed to inspire Northeastern Ontario snowmobile tourism stakeholders to create and build upon existing partnerships and projects to develop new, or enhanced, visitor experiences to foster increased visitation and revenue to their respective communities.
Why should you attend?
• Do you want to take your community’s snowmobiling experience to the next level?
• Does your community or destination have a high-level plan in place but needs a detailed action plan?
If you said ‘yes’ then this is the workshop for you because WE WANT TO SEE YOUR COMMUNITY MOVE FORWARD!
Who should attend? We are seeking a maximum of 25 public and private sector stakeholders from throughout the Northeast who have been involved in snowmobile tourism development projects such as Building the World’s Best Snowmobile Destination or Aventure Nord. These participants can include:
• Community stakeholders (e.g. Economic Development; Tourism Officers; Chamber of Commerce)
• Municipal and/or City senior staff
• Sector champions (e.g. OFSC Clubs reps)
• Senior employees/owners directly involved with decision-making, planning, operational and/or business management activities (e.g. businesses catering to snowmobilers).
TEN encourages you to attend this workshop together with your snowmobile development partners/associates.
If you would like assistance in identifying your snowmobile development partners/associates, please contact TEN at info@tourismexcellencenorth.ca or 705-523-2228.
What will you learn?
• Learn the fundamental elements of experiential tourism and gain an understanding of the traveller decision making process.
• Learn how to best position your community to capitalize on available tools.
• Gain an understanding of the players involved in the successful delivery of experiential tourism.
• Identify your community/destination’s gaps and assets.
• Understand the importance of providing relevant, captivating, saleable online content to potential snowmobile visitors.
• Establish key performance indicators.
• Identify priority areas for product and service development.
• Create an action plan to develop and implement your objective.
Money Matters:
• Participants are responsible for booking their own travel arrangements and accommodations.
Where is it?
• Cochrane, ON
• Training Venue: Participants will be sent the venue details once their registration is confirmed.
Application Deadline: April 20, 2018
Payment due by: May 1, 2018
For questions or more information, email info@tourismexcellencenorth.ca or
call 705-523-2228.