8am Registration & Buffet Breakfast featuring Regional Ingredients
9am Welcome & Opening Remarks
- Facilitated discussion: Knowing our ingredients (CTA’s Rebecca Mackenzie) – defining food tourism and the characteristics of a food visitor
- Networking & Nutrition Break featuring Regional Ingredients
- Growing Local – LAMBAC
- Iron Chef Challenge with local 6 restaurants AND meet the “Black Box” producers
12:30pm Buffet Lunch featuring Regional Ingredients
- Facilitated discussion: Delivering the ingredients (CTA’s Rebecca Mackenzie) – defining a destinations taste of place and meeting the food tourists expectations
- Facilitated discussion: Knowing our equipment (CTA’s Rebecca Mackenzie) – understanding market readiness across the food tourism value chain and how to grow your business through offering an authentic taste of place
- Speed Dating or Networking for Producers, restaurants, businesses
4:00pm Wrap Up