Destination Ontario Export Readiness: An Introduction to Working with International Travel Trade

October 22, 2018 @ 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Caesars Windsor
377 Riverside Dr E
Windsor, ON N9A 7H7
Donovan Shakespeare

Did you know we’re offering 2 pre-conference sessions this year? They’re included in your registration!While international markets account for only 11% of visitation, with longer stays and higher spend than domestic travellers they contribute 38% of visitor expenditures, providing a strong opportunity for increasing revenue to your business. Listen to a preliminary overview of working with international markets, what it means to be export ready and considerations for working with international tour operators and travel agencies—key channels for gaining access to the international traveller.

Who should attend? The information to be covered during the session is designed for people who are new to, or have a future interest in, working in international markets and specifically with the travel trade segment.

Tourism stakeholders will:

  • learn about Destination Ontario and the international activities it undertakes
  • understand why destinations/sellers should consider international markets
  • learn about the international markets in which Destination Ontario is active
  • learn the basic guidelines of working with travel trade
  • hear from a Receptive Tour Operator and destinations/operators that have experienced the benefits of international visitation

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