Fast Track to Success Program Intake Form

  • Thank you for your interest in TEN's Fast Track to Success Program! Once you complete this form, you will be contacted by the TEN office to further discuss your suitability and next steps.
  • At any point you can contact Senior Coordinator, Training, Karen Peacock, at or 705-523-2228 to discuss how the Fast Track to Success program can help your business or community.
  • To apply, your business needs to meet the following:
  • *Operating location within Destination Northern Ontario (DNO) region.
  • *Operation is in the tourism sector.
  • *Operation has been in business for a minimum of two (2) years, regardless of ownership.
  • Valued at over $3,500, there is a fee of $300 for the coaching session with the remainder supported thanks to investments from Destination Northern Ontario and Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries.
  • When you complete the FTS program, you receive:
  • *Confidential, independent and objective advice from a skilled tourism Training Specialist to enhance and improve your business, delivered at your operation.
  • *Practical advice that you can implement in the short term.
  • *A concise written report that summarizes suggestions for improvements and benchmarking specific to your operation, products and experiences.
  • *Two post-visit coaching opportunities via email or phone to continue the conversation with the Training Specialist.
  • Training Specialists will participate in, stay in or experience your operation paying market rates.
  • Please note that Tourism Excellence North will follow all Federal, Provincial and business-specific COVID-19 guidelines and regulations as they may apply to the Fast Track to Success program.
  • If you have any questions, please contact our Senior Coordinator, Training, Karen Peacock, at or 705-523-2228.
    1. Provide a payment of $300 to cover the cost of the FTS program (a link to online payment will be provided to you)
    2. Submit a completed Visitor Appeal Assessment Tool to the Training Specialist. The link to the Self-Assessment Tool will be sent to you before the start of the FTS program.
    3. Complete and return a pre-visit form (sent by and returned to Training Specialist) prior to the visit; this form which takes about 30 minutes to complete, is your opportunity to provide the Training Specialist with information on your top 2 to 3 priorities to grow and enhance your business. It will remain confidential between you and the Training Specialist and helps the Training Specialist understand your needs and to prepare for the visit.
    4. Host the assigned Training Specialist on your site when you are open/operating as scheduled on a mutually convenient date. To complete site tour and conversation takes about 3 hours, typically one afternoon. To receive feedback, coaching and a written report takes about 2 hours the morning after the site tour.
    5. Complete on-line the participant satisfaction survey distributed by TEN within one week or so of FTS visit to evaluate the visit (you will be sent a link).

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