Site icon Tourism Excellence North

TEN Best Practices Mission

June 16, 2017 @ 7:00 am – June 19, 2017 @ 5:30 pm
Traverse City

Best Practices Mission Trip

June 16th-19th 2017 Traverse City Overview Trip Summary


What is Tourism Excellence North?

Tourism Excellence North (TEN) is a tourism development program for Northern Ontario, Canada which works to provide examples to business owners, economic development leaders, community champions and government representatives on what successful tourism in a community looks like, feels like, tastes like and runs like.


The TEN program is a suite of 10 training solutions designed to strengthen the ability of tourism operations to respond to changes in the marketplace, adapt to visitor expectations, develop innovative experiences that raise the quality of visitor value and deliver increased returns for operations and the destination as a whole.


What is the Best Practices Mission Trip?

This Best Practices Mission trip is designed around specific themes relevant to business owners and operators, where participants experience and learn from ‘best in class’ existing operators and tourism influencers. Slated for June 16th- June 19th 2017, the TEN program has chosen Traverse City and the surrounding Mission Peninsula to be highlighted as an exemplary tourism destination.


This region understands that tourism is more than just attracting a visitor, but about all the individual elements that cohesively work together to make the visitors experience memorable, share worthy and receive more than just a few online accolades.


The Best Practices Mission trip works to advance the knowledge and skills of private sector tourism business owners and operators, community champions, public civic leaders, destination management organizations and downtown agencies. The ultimate goal is to take lessons learned in Traverse City and use this knowledge to improve the overall quality of visitor experiences and tourism products in Northern Ontario, Canada.


About the Best Practice Mission Trip to Traverse City

This trip will be a 4-day “hub and spoke” model utilizing Traverse City as a home base and exploring surrounding areas including Sleeping Bear Dunes National Seashore, Mission Peninsula and the Leelenau Peninsula.


Trip Participants Will Experience:


Businesses selected to be showcased as a “Best Of” case study are required to:



Lessons Learned and Trip Itinerary:

The 2017 Best Practices Mission trip will focus on the following lessons/ themes


  1. Outdoor Experiences in Urban environments

Outdoor experiences in urban environment including fly fishing in downtown rivers, outdoor touring experiences (scenic driving routes, linking trail systems with operators), monetization of non-gated attractions, infrastructure and funding challenges and product development opportunities.


  1. “Shifts” in Key Tourism Experiences

Visitor support services/ infrastructure, industry collaborations to create critical mass appeal, clustering of retail districts, community obstacles and opportunities related to tourism & product development.


  1. Destination Branding /Community Improvement/ Marketing

Branding, consistency in marketing, social media opportunities, how the brand is implemented on the ground, layered approached to regional tourism marketing, how the brand works to appeal to international markets.


  1. A Well-Oiled Tourism Machine

The infrastructure, product development, collaboration and marketing required, to attract sustainable and consistent tourism product.



Best Practices Mission Trip Detailed Itinerary Sault Ste. Marie to Traverse City June 16th- 19th 2017


Day 1 (Friday June 16th)

Lesson/ Theme of the day: Outdoor Experiences in an Urban Setting


Day 2 (Saturday June 17th)

Lesson/ Theme of the day: Parks, Outdoor Experiences


Day 3 (Sunday June 18th )

Lesson/ Theme of the day: Signage and Branding & Collaboration

**Mostly walking today


O   Speakers Marsha Smith, ED Rotary Charities

o Hans Voss, CEO Groundwork

o Colleen Paveglio, Downtown TC Marketing

o Max Anderson, ED Chamber of Commerce

o Trevor Tkach, ED TC Visitor Centre

o Pure Michigan Campaign Tourism representative


Day 4 (Monday June 19th)

Lesson/ Theme of the day: Well-oiled machine


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