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Sudbury Forum on Food, Farming & Tourism

January 6, 2017 all-day
College Boreal
21 Lasalle Blvd
Sudbury, ON P3A

Registration and refreshments featuring local ingredients sponsored by Regional Business Centre

Welcome & Opening Remarks (introductions) TNO/ NEONT and Sudbury Tourism

Facilitated discussion: Knowing our ingredients (CTA’s Rebecca Mackenzie) – defining food tourism and the characteristics of a food visitor

Panel Discussion on Regional Food Tourism Stakeholder Success Stories

Networking & nutrition break featuring regional ingredients

Facilitated discussion: Delivering the ingredients (CTA’s Rebecca Mackenzie) – defining a destinations taste of place and meeting the food tourists expectations

Facilitated discussion: Knowing our equipment (CTA’s Rebecca Mackenzie) – understanding market readiness across the food tourism value chain and how to grow your business through offering an authentic taste of place

Buffet lunch featuring regional ingredients

Regional Business Centre- support for starting and growing food businesses

Food Policy Council- Food Strategy consultations and strategy

“Taste of Place” Discussion – Identifying our Uniqueness (may be facilitated by (CTA’s Rebecca Mackenzie)

Speed Networking session amongst stakeholders in the food tourism value chain

Nutrition break featuring regional ingredients

Report Back on breakout sessions

Wrap Up

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