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EDAC’s 49th Annual Conference, September 9-12, 2017 – Niagara Falls, ON

September 9, 2017 @ 8:00 am – September 12, 2017 @ 7:30 pm
Niagara Falls
$274.89 + Tax to $824.25 + Tax

EDAC 2017

Canada 150+: New Beginnings in Economic Development

Niagara Falls, ON September 9 – 12, 2017

Preliminary Agenda

Saturday, September 9

8:00 AM – Buses leave from Marriott On The Falls

Golf Tournament – pre-registration required

Whirlpool (Niagara Parks) Course

9:00 a.m. Shot-gun Start

10:00 AM – Tour / activity suggestions

12 NOON – EDAC Registration Desk Opens

12 NOON – Tradeshow Booths Set-Up

7:00 PM – Opening Reception


Sunday, September 10

8:00 AM – EDAC Registration Desk Opens

8:00 AM – Welcome Breakfast

9:00 AM – EDAC Annual General Meeting (members only)

9:30 AM – Keynote TBA

10:15 AM – Refreshment Break & Tradeshow Walk

10:45 AM – Plenary TBA

11:45 PM – Lunch

12:15 PM – Luncheon Keynote TBA

1:15 PM – Breakout Sessions (Track A, B, C, D)

Track A: – Alison Anderson

Track B: Digital Marketing for Economic Developers – Heather Buttrum,

Principal, Rain Digital

Track C: Business & Economic Disaster Recovery: Is Your Community

Prepared? – Leann Hackman-Carty, CEO, EDA

Track D: 5 Year Mississauga Life Sciences Cluster Strategy – Connecting

the Innovation Ecosystem – Bonnie Brown, Manager, Sector Development &

Economic Partnerships, City of Mississauga

2:15 PM – Refreshment Break & Tradeshow Walk

2:45 pm – Youth Entrepreneurship/Engagement Session (TBC)

3:30 pm – Plenary TBA

4:30 PM – Breakout sessions (Track A, B, C, D)

Track A: Economic and Workforce Development: Working Together for

Success – Jay Amer, Ec.D., President Amer & Associates; Joe Celestini, CEO

Workforce Development Board; Jason Dennison, Workforce Development Board


Track B: Triage BR&E: Prioritizing Your Time – Paul Blais, Executive

Vice-President MDB Insight Inc.

Track C: FDI By the Numbers – Making Big Data work for Smaller

Communities – Margot Begin, Ec.D.(F), Executive Director, ROI Research on

Investment; Steve Jast, President, ROI Research on Investment

Track D: Panel – The Power of Partnerships (TBC)

5:30 PM – Wrap-up

7:00 PM – Fun Night

Monday, September 11

8:00 AM – EDAC Registration Desk Opens

8:00 AM – Breakfast

9:00 AM – Keynote TBA

10:00 AM – Plenary – Anna Olson , Celebrity Chef, Culinary Master, Host of Bake with Anna


10:45 AM – Refreshment Break & Tradeshow Walk

11:15 AM – Breakout sessions (Track A, B, C, D)

Track A: Experience-based Methods for Coping with Unexpected

Challenges to your Communities – A Case Study – Rick Evans, Ec.D(F)(Ret.

HLM) & Erin Richmond, Ec.D., Manager, Economic Development Department,

City of North Bay

Track B: Accommodation & Tourism Development – Is Your Community

Ready for Private Sector Investment? – Brian Stanford, Senior Managing

Director, CBRE Hotels


Track C: New Advanced Manufacturing Technologies – How Communities

Can Capitalize – Gillian Hattan, Managing Consultant, Location Strategies


Track D: Think Local , Act Global, Creative partnerships to boost

community economic development – Eleanor Miclette, Manager, Economic

Development & Community Services

Noon – Lunch

12:30PM – Luncheon Keynote – Allan O’Dette , Chief Investment Officer, The Ontario

Investment Office

1:30 PM – Depart for Study Tours

4:30 PM – Tour attendees return

TOURS – Pre-registration required

FREE NIGHT – Dinner on own

Tuesday, September 12

8:00 AM – Breakfast

8:30 AM – Keynote TBA

9:30 AM – Panel TBA

10:30 AM – Refreshment Break & Tradeshow Walk

11:00 AM – Fireside Chat: Fogo Island Inn and The Opinicon Resort – A Recipe for

Social Enterprise – Fiona McKean, Opinicon & Dianne Hodgins, Chief Financial

Officer, Shorefast Foundation

Start with a remote Canadian landscape: one, a majestic rock on the North Atlantic where fishing villages

live in consequence of a cod stock collapse; the other, a tiny hamlet along the Rideau Canal with memories

almost forgotten of tourism heydays of yore. Add expansive vision and capital investment to a community’s

deep connection with place. Mix vigorously with creators from around the world. Sprinkle liberally with

setbacks, doubts, perseverance and triumphs. Serve under hot timelines in a manner no one dreamed


12:00 PM – Lunch


1:00 PM – Marketing Canada Awards Presentation

1:30 PM – Breakout sessions (Track A, B, C, D)

Track A: Mobilizing Economic Recruitment in Rural Ontario – Kara Van Myall,

Manager of Corporate Policy and Economic Development

Track B: Slow Death to Rebirth: An Economic Development Agency

Comeback – Laurie Guthrie, Ec.D., Economic Development Specialist, Ignite


Track C: Enabling Industry Innovation through Advanced Labour Market

Intelligence – Scott McNeil-Smith, National Director, Projects and Partnerships

Energy Programs Lead & Jean-Pierre (JP) Giroux, National Director, Skills and

Talent Development

Track D: TBA

*1:30 PM – Tradeshow Booth Teardown

2:30 PM – Refreshment Break

2:45 PM – Keynote – Hon. Bob Rae , Ontario’s 21st Premier & former Liberal Party of

Canada Leader – A lawyer, negotiator, mediator, and arbitrator, Bob Rae also has

a particular focus on first nations, aboriginal, and governance issues.

3:45 PM – End of Sessions

6:45 PM – President’s Reception

7:30 PM – President’s Dinner



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