Destination Northern Ontario’s TEN program can help tourism operators put their best face forward for the 2019 spring/summer season!
Did you know that when you enroll in Destination Northern Ontario’s Tourism Excellence North (TEN) program you...

Target Market and Local Partnerships Make the Difference for White Squall Paddling Centre
As Kathleen McGill, from White Squall Paddling Centre, discovered – sometimes just a thoughtful shift to a...

Kashabowie River Resort on the Fast Track to Success!
In June 2018, Kashabowie River Resort owner/operators, Tracey and Kyle Vescio, took part in Tourism Excellence North’s...
Register Now! Experiential Travel Training for Operators Workshop — Terrace Bay, Ontario
Would you like to extend your visitors’ stay? Attract new types of visitors? Are you ready to...
TEN does Traverse City – The Best Practices Mission Pilot
Tourism Excellence North’s first Best Practices Mission departed Sault Ste. Marie early on June 16th with...
Hello Spring! Updates from the TEN Office.
Spring has sprung and TEN is taking Northern Ontario on the road! The TEN office has been...
We just launched the new TEN website!
Welcome! Tourism Excellence North (TEN) is excited to share the launch of our new website! On this...